Friday, March 16, 2007

Aging Stars

Hepatitis can be a real bitch.

The recent pic tells me that the extended Day Light Savings Time would've just compounded the marriage woes she was experiencing with Kid Rock.

Sarah Jessica Parker has aged very well, but let's be honest. There was hardly any room for deterioration in the first place.

I typed "horseface" as the file name for this picture. Please don't confuse it with the term "whore's face".

Alas, time has not been kind to Britney Spears. At one time she was extremely marketable. Now, she's opted for the American History X look.

I can't believe Kim Cattrall has been in the business since the 70's! Kim's cosmetic surgeon is nothing short of being an artiste.

Leo DiCaprio has changed quite a bit. Although despite looking more like a man, he still possesses the voice of a wee boy.

Brad Pitt doesn't look like a man over the age of 40. He's aged phenomenally well for someone who has to incessantly deal with the constant bombardment of UV rays from the paparazzi's camera flashes.

There's something about George Clooney's "now" picture that tells me that he doesn't think of whiskey as a substance, but more along the lines of being a "good friend".

I must admit, he was a decent looking Black man. Nowadays his insanity is oozing out of his pours.

Time is usually more cruel to women because it was all Eve's idea to eat the apple.

Jennifer Aniston looks rather respectable, despite being in her twilight years in Hollywood terms.

Shave off that beard and Will Smith looks like he's hardly aged in nearly 20 years.


Carol Burnett is Hard Up for Cash

Carol Burnett is suing the Fox Network $2 million for copyright infringement.

All this fuss is over an 18 second bit on an episode of The Family Guy that aired a year ago.

The bit in question pokes fun at Burnett's cleaning lady shtick.

If I'm not mistaken, The Carol Burnett Show did more than its fair share of spoofing other people's copyrighted material.

The only comedy sketch of Burnett's show that I can recall is the one mocking Gone with the Wind. Hmm, I wonder if Fox owns Gone with the Wind. If so, then they can counter sue Burnett for the exact same thing she is accusing the Fox Network of committing.

I hope the curators of the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate sue Carol for each time she decided to bellow out the Tarzan call on her show.

She probably needs all that money for plastic surgery to defy the ravages of time that have left an indelible mark upon her face. Ever hear of "aging gracefully", you sue-happy witch?

Carol Burnett = Hypocrite.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sinbad is Dead

"I see dead people...laughing at me - not with me."

Well, that's not entirely true.

Someone falsely altered information on Wikipedia regarding Sinbad's state of existence.

Then there was this big hoopla about it.

Physically he may be still alive, but the fact remains that his career continues to be pretty much dead.
