Monday, September 01, 2008


This Vietnam flick is about a group of pampered actors that are unwittingly thrust into a real life war situation.

This movie has a terrific cast:

It introduces capable child actor Brandon Soo Hoo, who will play young Storm Shadow in next year's blockbuster, G.I. Joe.

Nick Nolte plays the author of the book that the film is based on.

Tom Cruise is barely recognizable as the foul mouthed billionaire, who is reluctantly financing Tropic Thunder. It was a good role for Tom, because it showed that he is either desperate to recapture his audience's acceptance or near fearless when it comes to acting. Perhaps a bit of both.

I don't personally know Jack Black, but it seemed to me that he wasn't stretching himself all that much for his character.

Mathew McConaughey plays Ben Stiller's long serving agent. That role was originally meant for Owen Wilson, but he was too busy attempting to end his life at the time.

Throughout the movie, I kept having to remind myself that Robert Downey Jr. wasn't really a Negro. I think the Black community has to admit that Robert plays a far better Black man than Michael Jackson and Bryant Gumble ever did.

Although, not as good as Stiller's other directed film, Cable Guy, Tropic Thunder is definitely worth watching at the theater on cheap Tuesday.

Hmm, writing this worthless post has worked up a mighty thirst within me. Perhaps I'll indulge in a refreshing, ice cold glass of Booty Sweat.
